Welcome on the website informatie.click When we view "God" as a mighty, compassionate being outside of ourselves and not as a metaphor for the archetypes of our being human, this image of a very powerful compassionate supreme being outside of ourselves, e.g. also being an image of a Parent (Father or Mother) who is watching us as a Parent, might gives us a familiar and safe childhood feeling, as well as intense feelings of wonder, reverence and awe. When we are grown up with the image of God as "Supreme Being", it can be difficult to let go completely this image of God. Reading about the ways in which, for example, the Bible eventually took shape, can help to achieve more to break free from the image of God as "Supreme Being". Throughout a lifetime, we constantly try to weigh what is true - and false, as well as what should be the reality and what belongs to unreality. What is true seems to concern: information that is consistent with reality. The concept of information seems to be a difficult one. However, we usually know very well what we want or expect from information under given circumstances, as well as what that information looks like. However, a generally applicable definition for the term information does not seem to be available. Information in particular seems to be that which also controls life. In a systematic dictionary terms are given a place in rubrics. The division of the rubrics in a systematic dictionary may contribute to understanding how we give concepts a place in our thinking. An experimental amateurish example of a model for a systematic dictionary is the MRTE classification model on the website: https://www.wawawawa.net Animal - and therefore human - life is controlled by emotions, which in turn have their basis in physiological processes. Below is an amateurish attempt to classify the most basic emotions, denoted by a single word, highly schematized, to be found in sections (glossaries) on the website: https://www.wawawawa.net (in Dutch). ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BEGIN emotions cause and effect (within the MRTE classification model) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the case of emotions, causes and effects count as felt causes and felt effects, ie subjective. counteract ~ "bad" cooperate ~ "good" ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ cause "bad" "good" ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ aversion preference seen from yourself fear courage seen from your environment concerning your own capabilities ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ effect "bad" "good" ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ sadness joy regret satisfaction the causes lie largely with you shame pride the causes lie largely with you and - bad: others are disadvantaged - good: others are favored anger affection the causes lie largely with others jealousy compassion the causes lie largely with others and - bad: others are favored, you feel yourself disadvantaged - good: others are disadvantaged, you feel yourself favored ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ END emotions cause and effect (within the MRTE classification model) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MRTE editors info@mrte.info